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Ontario scooter man collided by another scooter.

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A Ontario man fights for its life in a Taiwanese hospital after a head-on collision last week to the left it in a coma with injuries of the brain and the Rueckenmarks. Matte Stever, 27, drove a scooter, around last Tuesday to work when another scooter carrying a teenage couple collided with him.

Family and friends try now to raise more than $100,000 take it, in order to get it house. Up to now provisional estimates of the costs of getting the Stever of house were high. The lowest projected costs were $133,000 to fly to it on a private jet back. OHIP and insurance do not cover it, the said family. Its parents, Mary and Roger Stever, have already more than $10,000 flying to Taiwan, in order to be spent with their son, the said rice. Family and friends Stevers plan to hold a use and a Hockeyspiel in order to raise money to get in order to help, it house.

Deliveries can be formed for the bank of Montreal in Picton, Rotary club of Picton and the Picton hospital Foundation..


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