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Online petition and letter-writing campaign by local scooter riders

PHOTOS BY HARRY LYNCH An unattended, untethered
scooter is parked conveniently at the front steps of
Caldwell Hall on UNC's campus Tuesday morning. The handy,
go-practically-anywhere scooters, which had been unregulated
on campus, have recently come under new rules.

insurance motor scooter - Chapel Hill : An online petition and letter-writing campaign by scooter riders has gained the attention of officials in the UNC, now say they will have a second look at the May decision to regulate the small, environmentally friendly vehicles. UNC Board of Trustees approved an annual plan for parking two months ago for scooter riders to buy permits to park in designated lots.

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insurance motor scooter - MAIL CITY / OSCAWANA - There was no doubt in the minds of Tom Anderson, when it comes to your business location scooter.

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